P.A.U.S. @Station

So I’m going to be a part of this research project called PAUS – Personrörlighet för Akademin med Utbildningsfokus och Studentmedverkan (translates to something like: Personality mobility for the Academy with Educational Focus and Student Participation) driven by Södertörns Högskola.

A number of Swedish universities are working together to systematically test and develop how strategically relevant personal mobility initiatives should be designed and implemented in the best way. PAUS is financed by Vinnova for a three-year period and funds are also being transferred from BTH. As a participant your supposed to find a partner in a relevant business field and then take part of working with a “real life” project together with that partner.

My chosen partner is the Station Interactive AB. Station focuses on developing games and assets for other game developers. To this date I’ve been focusing on teaching media technology, game development, micro electronics, prototyping and how mix all this together to nice audio visual experiences.

The project I will be working on is of course a bit of a secret, but it will be a real challenge for me. The project is in a kind of advanced prototyping/proof of concept stage which fits my personal purposes real good being able to take a more explorative approach to the problems at hand.